Case Identification
Case ID Number
Tumor Type
Body region
Benign or Malignant
Clinical case information
Case presentation
A 51 year old man with osteochondromatosis, who had an enlarging scapular tumor resected 2 years ago now presents with a soft tissue mass in the medial right distal thigh just above the knee.
Radiological findings:
Xrays are normal, with no calcifications within the mass, and no change in nearby bones. There is mild generalized demineralization of the ipsilateral femur and tibia from disuse. CT shows a mass, about 12 x 10 x 18 centimeters in size with intermediate density and mild heterogeneity in the vastus medialis muscle of the right distal thigh. The neural and vascular structures are not involved, although the femoral artery is in contact with the posterior portion of the mass for approximately 7 or 8 centimeters. A resection with a wide, negative margin was performed.
Laboratory results:
None available
Differential Diagnosis
Metastatic chondrosarcoma, or a new primary soft tissue sarcoma
Pathology results:
Treatment Options:
A resection with a wide, negative margin was performed.
Special Features of this Case:
The patient was treated at the HEODRA hospital in Leon, Nicaragua
Case ID Number
Image Types
Image modality
Tumor Name
Example Image
Benign or Malignant